Sarasota 28, Bella Vista, Distrito Nacional SD
Pre-Kinder to Grade 12 - Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Excellence in education since more...
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Pre-Kinder to Grade 12 - Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Excellence in education since more...
Pre-school, primary and secondary education.
Early Childhood 1 year olds - through 12th grade Educational Program. Recognized by MINERD and Accredited by Cognia
Enfocada en ofrecer una educación integral, descubrir los talentos de cada alumno, desarrollar en ellos sensibilidad éti more...
¡Educando con amor, para un futuro mejor!
Nuestro enfoque es: Amor a Dios, Formación de Excelencia y Liderazgo Transformacional. Acreditados por la Asociación Int more...
Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education. Recognized by MINERD and accredited by Middle States Association of College more...
Colegio Cristiano Bilingue.
Our TreeHouse program fosters exploration, investigation and discovery in all our young learners. ¡Visit us!